General selection criteria in sourcing industrial cleaning agent
1, require rust
Production process of cleaning the choice of cleaning agents, generally mainly water-based, water-based products because of low cost, economical, water-based rust if you do not have the capabilities to speed up the rusting metal material reasons cleaning the surface of the protective layer is removed after the rust will accelerate, if required for the rust belt rust function should use water-based cleaning agent, the choice should appropriately selected according to specific situation of enterprises.
2, aqueous or solvent type
If the cleaning of objects require volatile fast, and has a rust requirements to consider using solvent-based, degreasing ability of these products are strong, low cost of cleaning if requested, nor volatile cleaning requirements, and on the rust is not sensitive to the type of water-based options.
3, the use of ultrasonic cleaning cleaning or spray cleaning
Currently, many detergent manufacturers based there ultrasonic cleaner machine to deploy cleaner, because the use of ultrasonic cleaning and do not use ultrasonic cleaning is not the same. If it is water-based cleaning ultrasonic cleaning machine, the foam requires less sensitive, and then washed with a spray of foam have demands to be low foaming degreasing cleaning, suitable for spray cleaning (spray cleaning spray with different pressures, foam requirements are not the same, the higher the spraying pressure, the requirements of low foam, but there is a contradiction, in almost all low-foam cleaning agents, since many of the best surfactants can not be used, ability to skim the oil so that it is relatively weak, the cleaning effect is difficult to achieve high foam cleaning effect, which must be taken into account in the selection.